Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Final Blog

1. My three positive outcomes were- My group liked my cover and the info I had
-I learned and my group learned a lot about
my topics.
-It was good overall- Cover/articles
2.I learned ,related to technology, about Crystas was how to make a webpage and for mine how to blog

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Almost done Everything

So far my criteria sheet is all filled out but I still need to comment on other peoples blogs. I thought that the criteria sheet was a good idea because I could go over all that I have done and what I need to do. So far my project is done but I just need to print out the magazine cover and the article on the Integumentary System, I have the Animal Testing article done and printed out because I wrote it last night at home.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Presentation Plan

Last class I worked on my Magazine cover, that is the style of presentation I chose. I used “Paint” to create the cover which was sucssesful and looks great! Some other people used a way to create theirs by using “Microsoft Publisher” which also went well for them but my first idea was to use paint so I went along with that. Next day I will make a few changes to the cover and start writing the article on The Integumentary system.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How is animal testing useful?

Today I studied a book on animal testing, I picked out little details that were about testing on animals. It talked about how cats are used for sleep mechanisms that they are suitable for tests on sleep. They mainly test on animals because they develop many of the same health problems as humans. Sometimes the scientists can do animal to human organ transplants, one time there was a heart transplant that they did but the circulation failed. Dogs are used to study effects of radiation and the first artificial hip was developed in dogs. My question is: Why do they test on Animals? They do not have all the same things as humans do. Why do they continue with animal testing when so many people think it’s so wrong?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Topic for Presentation

for my Presentation I would like to study Ingumentary. The topic of contreversary is animal testing.